
                                                 Yeager Middle School 6th Grade
                                         Social Studies Course Syllabus 2019 – 2020 
Planning Periods: 5th & 6th periods 
Tutoring times: 3:45 – 4:30 pm, by appointment

The purpose of social studies is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a free society, which is culturally diverse, democratic, and globally interdependent.

 Unit 1 – Concepts & Map Skills
 Unit 2 – Europe: Location, Geography and Environmental Issues
 Unit 3 – Europe: Government and Economics
 Unit 4 – Europe: Culture and History
 Unit 5 – Latin America: Location, Geography, and Environmental Issue
 Unit 6 – Latin America: Government and Economics
 Unit 7 – Latin America: History
 Unit 8 – Canada
 Unit 9 – Australia
 Unit 10 – Personal Finance

Grading Weights: Grading Scale: Textbook:
50% Classwork A=100-90 B=89-80 World Cultures and Geography
35% Assessments C=79-71 D=70 Georgia 6th Social Studies Edition
10% Homework F= 69 and below
5% Participation

Social Studies Section:
The students will keep all assignments for each unit of study in the social studies section of their notebook. The information will be used as a study guide for each unit. The social studies section will be assessed throughout the year as part of their homework.

Late Work Procedure:
Late work will be accepted one school day after the due date and assessed a penalty of 20 points. The student will be held accountable for turning in the late assignment. All extended projects will be graded based on the guidelines in the grading rubric for each project.

Make Up Work Procedure:
If a student must be absent, it is his/her responsibility to obtain make-up work and complete it in a reasonable amount of time. Students will be given one day for each day absent to make up work. It is the STUDENT”S RESPONSIBILITY to ask the teacher for missed assignments. The make-up work will be graded as a regular assignment and the student’s average will be affected if the assignment is not completed.

Homework: Must be written in the agenda book, signed by a parent and returned the next day. Homework assessment: 100% if completed on time, 80% if completed within a day of the due date, and 0% if not completed.

General Expectations:                                       Specific Expectations:
Be Safe                                                                      Be prepared for class with all materials
Be Respectful                                                        Follow directions the first time given
Be Responsible                                                     Raise your hand before speaking or getting up
                                                                                    Follow the hallway carousel

Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism, taking someone else’s work and identifying it as your own, is not allowed. When this occurs, a parent will be contacted and the student will earn a zero.